Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

Is it a basket that looks like this?

I genuinely think Kotaku should have a weekend guest editor who is a father of a 2 year-old girl and who works full-time. I have an extensive knowledge of video games and video game history, but I’m too broke to enjoy any of the brand new games, so when I DO get to play something even remotely current-gen, my mind is Read more

Do any pre-univision writers still work for Kotaku? Do we even need them? :P Read more

Hey Ben, this weekend guest editor thing is fuckin brilliant! Welcome man, I’m happy to be reading your shit :-D Read more

Should have thrown one of these in after your lede.

You already won me over just buy using cool looking 8-bit Futurama art. Read more

Super glad they are featuring you guys. You deserve it for being awesome, and I totally mean it. I’ve been saying for quite some time that some TAY stuff is better than feature Kotaku! Not that feature Kotaku is bad, but the TAY stuff is just that good! I’m looking forward to it <3.
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oh, had not heard of this but I’ll definitely check it out now. Thank you!
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When, oh when, will EA resurect Mutant League Football (and Hockey, for that matter)?!? Read more

You’re the man Ben! So honored. And thanks again for your help (I know you were slammed so tried to minimize questions and ask Zarnyx- I really appreciate everything!).
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