I genuinely think Kotaku should have a weekend guest editor who is a father of a 2 year-old girl and who works full-time. I have an extensive knowledge of video games and video game history, but I’m too broke to enjoy any of the brand new games, so when I DO get to play something even remotely current-gen, my mind is… Read more
Do any pre-univision writers still work for Kotaku? Do we even need them? :P Read more
Hi Ben! Read more
Super glad they are featuring you guys. You deserve it for being awesome, and I totally mean it. I’ve been saying for quite some time that some TAY stuff is better than feature Kotaku! Not that feature Kotaku is bad, but the TAY stuff is just that good! I’m looking forward to it <3.
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Is the Double XP a Rick and Morty homage or rip off? Read more
oh, had not heard of this but I’ll definitely check it out now. Thank you!
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Most survival horror games give you weapons to improve your chances for survival. In the original Clock Tower on…
When, oh when, will EA resurect Mutant League Football (and Hockey, for that matter)?!? Read more
I’m not the biggest fan of traditional sports games. What I really enjoy are the wackier takes on popular pastimes…
Ultima IV: Quest of the Avatar was a revolutionary game because there wasn’t a traditional villain to fight against.…
It was E3 2000 when I nearly lost my shit. The sequel to one of the best games I’d played on the PS1, Metal Gear…
You’re the man Ben! So honored. And thanks again for your help (I know you were slammed so tried to minimize questions and ask Zarnyx- I really appreciate everything!).
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I love origin stories, especially when they’re related to games.
The Grand Theft Auto series is the modern epic, encompassing American culture in all its decadence and corrupted…
Hail Kotaku Readers! My name is Peter Tieryas and I’ll be your guest editor today. That means lots of retrogames,…