Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

Laters, everyone! This is my last article for the weekend. Been fun! Thank you for taking the time to read, sharing your stories with me, and for putting up with me all weekend long. You guys were great!

You summed it all up beautifully and absolutely read my mind on so many points, haha. I was luke warm towards Greg at best, and Pear, ugh, she was such a rigid tight ass...and now I adore them, two of my favorite characters easily...bit it’d a narrow race, they’re all so great! Read more

I actually see Overwatch having a lot more in common with Splatoon than any of the other “team shooter” games... but even that comparison isn’t entirely accurate. Overwatch does enough differently that it falls in its own category much like Splatoon does... they’re more comparable due to their differences from the Read more

Psychology. A big part of the games “charm” is the exploitation of our gambling impulse. It won’t trigger everyone but some significant portion of players have probably dropped $100's (perhaps that they can’t afford) on trying to get a specific set of unlocks.
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I feel like if they outright sold outfits and poses I would probably lose interest quicker, so I don’t mind it. Still, I get ya. Read more

Man, I pride myself on useless knowledge and weird games using successful engines. How did I miss this?! Read more

Oh man. I'd totally buy the Meat Boy ones and then admittedly probably never wear them. Read more

I want to see you try =>)
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Thanks so much to everyone! It was fun getting to chat with a lot of you. Read more

So many good ones but fire emblem actually made me laugh out loud. Read more

Good work, you two.

Whatever you do from this point forward, never let your quills dull; you’ve got talent, and the ability to both capture and respond to an audience.

Those things are rare.

Please continue to develop them, wherever your lives and professional pathways may take you.

-A Recently Retired English Read more

You guys were fun. I wish you’d have been mainstays. A lot of fun articles.

Aside from the Yu-Gi-Oh one. Read more

And here for the awesome Treasure Trove Cove remix. Read more