Ben Bertoli's saved articles

Ben Bertoli
Ben is an exceptionally tall freelance writer and author hailing from Indianapolis. He is the current co-host of the gaming history podcast Memory Card and is likely replaying Banjo-Kazooie right now.

Assassin’s creeds are not stealth games at all !! Try Dishonored or Deus Ex if you want real stealth Read more

Awww, cute wittle Ben is playing his first big boy game! How adorable! Read more

I don’t even feel sorry laughing for 10 minutes straight at that Tom Petty joke.

The secret to playing Assassin’s creed is to run at things, and then hold down the square button. Read more

Sure! If you enjoy endless failure and a game that takes pleasure in mocking you. For real, though, it is certainly an experience. If you have a friend who has it I would see about borrowing it for a few days.
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About that kidnapping: Have you tried sneaking up on the target until that “Kidnap” prompt appears, or did you just tackle him every single time? Read more


I’m really manly and I play really manly games. I ooze of masculinity. Or at least I like to think of myself that way. And oh yeah, we .. got a daughter. We sometimes play Princess Sophia the First apps and Lego Duplo apps and I’m finding it strange that I kind of enjoy that too. And I play Peggle 2, sometimes, when Read more

Dude, bloodborne is my game of this generation so far, go for it! Read more

I did the same with Bloodborne...I’ve never played any of the Dark Souls games, or really anything like it before other than hack and slash games. So my friends told me I should pick up Bloodborne because of the story, graphics, mechanics, etc., and Bloodborne would be a good transition into the DS arena. And I mean, Read more

I loved this game when I was younger, there is genuine love poured into this silly little cash grab. You know that it’s a game born out of a marketing team meeting, but at least they picked a group of developers who gave a shit and an engine that was already extremely polished. Read more

My kids played the SHIT out of that game. I still catch my daughter humming some of the “songs” on there as well. Read more

This is actually really good, I remember renting it from hollywood video. It’s surprisingly difficult for a game aimed the younger audience. Excellent use of the tony hawk formula. They shouldve done more licensed versions. Star wars woulda been cool as with a nintendo themed one. Hardcore and bright :) Read more

Every game that Toys for Bob makes that isn't a Star Control game is a tragedy. *cries now and forever* Read more

I like to imagine that “Buzz Lightyear to Ground Control” goes terribly wrong à la Space Oddity: Read more

This game was the tits back in the day. I stillpregame and crush beers to this playlist Read more

Everyone needs to see last year’s AGDQ run of this. Read more

Now playing

I remember playing this with a friend all the time when I was a kid. Gives me nostalgia. My favorite track:


I was in Love with Tony hawk, Dave Mirra style games when this came out, so an obvious purchase. Im with you, this game was awesome, and other than the fact that you couldn’t map the specials to specific controls (the newest Tony hawk game at the time you could) this game had everything a proper Tony hawk sequal had. Read more