Yannick LeJacq's posts

Yannick LeJacq

If you’ve played Heroes of the Storm, you’ve probably found yourself wondering if there’s a way to predict when and where tributes appear in the “Cursed Hollow” map. HOTS player and Reddit user Stumpaxe made a very handy guide explaining how the tribute spawning system works in the level. Check it out on imgur. Read more

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Streamer Sethbling is teaching a computer program to play Super Mario Kart, and you can watch the thing learn (and occasionally drive off the road) in real-time on his Twitch. I for one welcome our new Kart-playing overlords.

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The next League of Legends champion is...a catfish? Riot just put out a CGI trailer about a hoarse-voiced monster named “The River King,” following an apparent leak on the game’s Chinese website. Neat! Also: great music.