It's been quite some time since the internet gave Tim Schafer a whole bunch of money and unknowingly started the…
It's been quite some time since the internet gave Tim Schafer a whole bunch of money and unknowingly started the…
So this is what's happening right now before Gearbox's PAX East panel, where our own Tina Amini is standing by to…
This is the first footage from Zombie Studios' latest, a survival horrory-looking game called Daylight. There's…
We only just got confirmation that the HD remasters of Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 are coming to North…
Day two of PAX East gave birth to new DuckTales: Remastered details, the announcement of Dust: An Elysian Tail on Steam
My biggest accomplishments in Minecraft so far have been building my dream home (complete with fireplace, library,…
Sunday Comics and the Kotaku 'Shop Contest will return next week. Read more
After the tragic shuttering of 1UP alongside a few other publications last month, the retro games podcast Retronauts…
Their message is clear: What happened with SimCity is not okay.
Dust: An Elysian Tail developers Dean "Noogy" Dodrill and Alex Kain announced during their PAX East panel today…
As if the news that Capcom is bringing DuckTales back in remastered form wasn't enough by itself, the publisher…
Forgive me for another Super Mario 64 post, but I just had to point out how the career path of Canned Food Super…
Vin Diesel just wants to be restrained in the latest teaser trailer for the third Chronicles of Riddick movie. Read more
Day one of PAX East is behind us, but don't fret—there's still Saturday and Sunday remaining. And even if you're…
Good times being editor again this weekend, Kotaku! Hopefully you'll see me again someday. Praise the sun! Read more
In the future, there may not be any more single-player games—but that doesn't mean what we seem to think it does…
Poor Kevin Hart. All he wanted to do when he hosted SNL this weekend was eat "white people brains" and do the dance…
I would like to wholeheartedly thank Youtuber TyVerteLive for creating this masterful work of parody, which will…