Mike Rougeau's saved articles

Mike Rougeau

Oh, it was the Sherlock write-up. You are my hero. Read more

Mike, you wrote something the other day on here that I found very funny and I thought... THIS GUY IS HIP.

And then I see that you like TITUS ANDRONICUS and I am officially in love with you. Read more

Actually this same glitch happened to me while playing on a train. I sort of performed the same actions you did - but I never bothered to tell anybody (except the riders near me) about the occurrence because the progress hadn't saved. Read more

I never really liked School of Rock - even as a kid - but this gave me a big smile nonetheless. Read more

Man I remember watching this movie like 50 times lol. I can't really believe it been 10 years since it came out. I feel old and I'm only 19. Thanks for that Mike! Read more

With the amount of educational material in this video ranging from historical fact to the evolution through media, I definitely feel like I learned something from all this. Combined with the accent, I'm surprised the video didn't start out with "Rondeau" like an episode of Masterpiece Theater.

I'm surprised no one brought up that there is a guy, who is unhappy with his life. Feels through entitlement that he deserves something, takes it of his own volition while destroying property and ruining families (the death of the scientists) and lives. All because he felt he deserved something more. Read more

Well, shit. I was just gonna check out the first few minutes before I went to go grab dinner and now I'm a quarter of the way through it. Read more

I like how you made a connection of that glitch with life. I also was thinking of the Matrix when you were describing the glitch and that when you restarted it, everything was back to normal. It just reminded me of the Matrix. It is interesting that you felt bad for Barry, even though he is just part of a program. Read more

Great post! I had never known the backstory of this game. after the dust has been settling for some time, I think I'll pick it back up once again Read more

I don't think most players forgot, I think we didn't know!
This is the first time I have seen this origins video. Is small so I don't understand why they don't preload it for the 1st play-through. Read more

You MAY be looking a bit too much into this :P Read more

It would have died a horrible death and i wouldnt be able to play because id be cuddling my dog instead. Read more