Mike Rougeau's discussions

Mike Rougeau

One feature I really want is to be able to smack someone to challenge them to a duel like in Borderlands. Is that so hard? Read more

Also for the record Tobias Menzies—Edmure Tully from Game of Thrones—makes an incredible villain! Read more

It's a glitch that occurs if you're wearing armor with a perk like "carry more heavy ammo" or "carry more special ammo." They cause you to also lose ammo every time you respawn. It's been an issue since the game launched and is a huge point of contention for much of the community, especially since Bungie has fixed so Read more

I wouldn't consider it rushing if they did it at the end of Season 5. Like maybe as a reveal in the finale. It's been on everyone's minds since they left the prison, and that was a while ago. Read more

To your first point, soloing can sometimes be easier. Like, it's easier to beat (well, cheese) the first part of Crota's by yourself or beat it legit with a full group than it is with something in between, like two, three or four players. Read more

Actually the vast majority of my writing these days is on tech (for TechRadar.com). I do write about games for other sites, but I generally don't do news, so I'm able to easily avoid reading about upcoming games that I don't want spoiled for me. Read more

Thanks for pointing this out! I updated the article. Read more

I actually take personal offense to that. I think he's dashing as hell. Read more

Wonder no more. Sounds like it wasn't Dorian though? Read more

Yeah, the ease with which I completed it the first time I picked it up again as an adult sort of retroactively deflated the sense of accomplishment younger me had when I did finally beat the game for the first time. Read more

Now I'm wondering how much I move around when I'm playing. Wouldn't it be interesting to do a time-lapse video of yourself during a long gaming sesh? Read more

I bet you won't believe that I don't watch movie trailers either? Read more

It's my fantasy role-playing experience and if I say they're squishy then they're squishy, K? Read more

I was seven years old and had pretty much only ever played Sonic 1, 2 and 3, Super Mario World, and Donkey Kong Country. I have vivid memories of getting stuck outside Mario's house for like two days because I didn't understand the concept of cells—that the little outcrop of land in the bottom corner was a way to Read more

I would say it's less difficult overall than either of the other games. It's certainly more forgiving. There were sections when it launched that were maddening, but for the most part those got patched to be easier. It's not the masterpiece Dark Souls was, but it's still very, very good. Read more