Mike Rougeau's discussions

Mike Rougeau

There's a lot that resists it, too, but you have a point. Read more

It's a great idea, but without a powerful all-hitting attack like EQ I fear he'd get squashed pretty quickly. Read more

I actually saw more MegaY, although weather teams aren't nearly as popular now for obvious reasons. Read more

Oh yeah. Tons of Blazikens as well. Especially now with Mega Blaz. Read more

I'm not using it currently because it makes me so mad online that I don't want to subject other players to it myself. On the other hand I also use a prankster Klefki. So my morals basically mean nothing. Read more

I find protect more useful than sub for double battles, especially once Klefki loses the air balloon and chomp still wants to fire off EQs every other turn. Read more

Definitely my favorite new design and one of the more creative designs in recent generations (considering they've recently done a key ring, an ice cream cone and a garbage bag, that might not be saying much, but still). Read more

I wasn't planning to use Hawlucha that day but had to swap him in when they told me I couldn't use Mandibuzz. He's situational but I was surprised that he came through for me hard in more than one battle. Read more

Rotom-W (the electric/water variety), Talonflame, Venusaur, Mega Kangaskhan, Garchomp, Klefki. There was a lot of variety but those kept popping up again and again for whatever reason. Read more

BP isn't as big in doubles, I think. I still use it sometimes in single battles but didn't see much of it that day. Read more

I tried using my own Mega Gengar in doubles recently online, mainly to counter Mega Kanga. But not wanting to spam perish song cheese I went with disable/substitute instead. Found it disappointing, especially since Mega Kanga users are onto that counter at this point and will time their moves around it. Read more

When I bitched about it there other players told me it's been that way for a while. There are definitely some more interesting strategies in doubles. The games have introduced a lot of moves over the past few games that are exclusively for doubles. And there's less cheesy switching in and out to gain an advantage - Read more

But with Murkrow or Klefki (the swaggerer) having prankster the taunt won't really help in that situation, right? Read more

Sure, but that's an old Darkrai. New Darkrais haven't been available since the last promotion in 2012. Having a Darkrai definitely isn't dirty in and of itself; the strategy kind of was, though. Spamming all-hitting sleep attacks is pretty cheap. Read more

I'm actually using a Klefki with an Air Balloon to swagger a Garchomp now. At least the Klefki is still useful after the Garchomp dies. No idea why anyone would use a Murkrow for this strategy. Read more