Tim Rogers's posts

Tim Rogers
I make videos for Kotaku. I make video games for myself and my friends. I like writing fiction. Someday I will publish a novel. Who knows!

Hello! I (Tim Rogers) am going to stream the PlayStation 4 remake of the PlayStation 1 classic MediEvil over on our Twitch channel. I haven’t touched this game since blasting through it on Thanksgiving Day, 1998, though I sure do have some “interesting” memories. Like, why did I play this on Thanksgiving 1998 instead

Today marks the 25th anniversary of Final Fantasy VI’s release in North America (as Final Fantasy III). Let’s play it (a little) and reminisce (a lot) over on our Twitch channel!

I (Tim Rogers) am going to play John Wick Hex with its designer-director Mike Bithell on our Twitch channel starting at 3pm (Eastern). I’ll be asking him increasingly idiotic questions while he plays the game on its hardest possible setting. Heckle him in the chat. The game is out today, by the way. (If you haven’t

The Joker Sucks
Now playing

A new film starring The Joker is out in theaters worldwide today. I can’t let him get away with this. In this video

I’m playing Destiny 2 over on Kotaku’s Twitch channel! I’m going to start a new character so I can experience the game’s new on-ramping. Then we’ll get into the Shadowkeep campaign. I just don’t know what I’m gonna do with all of these shadows!

Code Vein is out today. I’m going to be honest. I don’t even know what it is. I’m gonna play it on our Twitch channel, though. As long as it’s something like Dark Souls, I should do just fine. And of course it’s gonna be like Dark Souls, because every video game is exactly like Dark Souls.

We’re playing the Gears 5 campaign over on our Twitch channel. Will our loud guns triumph over the reptilian linebackers infesting the core of the destroyed-beautiful planet Sera? Repeatedly implore us to REVIVE you in the chat!

We (Tim Rogers & Jason Schreier) are playing Final Fantasy VIII Remastered on the Nintendo Switch over on Kotaku’s Twitch channel. In direct contrast to our glacial Chrono Trigger playthrough, we’re starting in medias res and playing super-fast. Come on over and hang out.

I (Tim Rogers) am streaming Astral Chain over on our Twitch channel! Let’s get wild with these hot cops and their demon dogpeople! Yell at me and crime, in the chat!

Just like last week, this week I (Tim Rogers) am teaching Jason Schreier (and you!) Japanese over on our Twitch channel. My teaching method involves forcing him to read every text box out loud. You, too, can do something out loud—in our chat!