During an Apex Legends match yesterday, a player spotted a tiny trio of lights in the game’s sky. Now, players are theorizing about what this sighting means for the game’s upcoming season.
“Something is coming, but what else than season 4?” wrote user Chuzeeee on the game’s lore subreddit. Attached was a video in which the player looks up into a billowing cloud of smoke in the sky, zooms down their rifle scope, and spots a flick of light. On closer inspection it’s clear the light source is actually a triad of three smaller lights.
The lights appear to be stationary and don’t change over the course of the match. Some skeptical players originally assumed the lights must have been a care package glitch or some other bug. Care package lights are red though, where these lights are light blue and multiple sightings have convinced even the holdouts that something is afoot.

Based on data mining by a player called Shrugtal, some Apex Legends players believe there are changes coming to the game’s World’s Edge map on January 23 and 28. It’s possible these mysterious lights, which some believe to be evidence of a UFO, could connect in some way to those updates. Or it could be part of Season 4, which isn’t set to start until February 4, the game’s one-year anniversary.
One theory is that the lights tease the introduction of Titans, mechs from developer Respawn’s Titanfall series. Titans are outfitted with all sorts of glowy lights, so it’s not completely out of the realm of possibility. And according to Shrugtal’s data mine, one of the new locations to be added to Apex Legends will be called “Harvester,” which also happens to be the name of a mining structure players have to protect at one point in Titanfall 2.
Players were of course hopeful that Titans were eventually planned for the game back when it first launched, but last June Respawn said in an interview with Game Informer that it wasn’t planning to add them. (Instead, it was the rival battle royale shooter Fortnite that got mechs later that summer.) Even if no Titans are still the case, other players hope the lights are teasing a new Titanfall-inspired player-vs-environment (PVE) mode that they’ve have also been hoping for.
Then again, maybe it’s just aliens. Or it could be nothing at all. Hopefully it’s something, because Apex Legends could use a fresh shakeup going into its second year. We’ll know soon enough if that’s the case.