Originally a light novel, Haruhi Suzumiya launched an iconic anime and manga in the 2000s. The manga is ongoing, but there hasn’t been a new Haruhi novel since 2011. Until now.
This November, a new Haruhi volume will be released in Japan. According to Japanese site Kai-You, it will be out November 25.
Titled Suzumiya Haruhi no Chokkan (The Intuition of Haruhi Suzumiya), the 250-page-plus book features two previously published stories as well as a brand new one called Tsuruya-san no Chousen (Tsuruya’s Challenge). In it, the SOS Brigade gets an email with a challenge from Tsuruya.
Written by Nagaru Tanigawa, the first Haruhi Suzumiya light novel was published in 2003 and featured illustrations by Noizi Ito. Both will be returning for the latest novel, which picks up where 2011's The Surprise of Haruhi Suzumiya left off.