Earlier this summer, a cutscene nestled deep in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain’s PS3 version was triggered because, it seemed, players had located and destroyed every single nuke in the game. Konami now says that disarmament was not achieved.
According to the Tokyo-based game company, one player’s “improper conduct” caused the cutscene to play. That account, Konami added, has since been banned, and it has instituted preventive measures.
Below is an official announcement by the official Metal Gear Twitter account:
As of writing, MGSV Nuke Watcher reports that there are 119 nukes in the PlayStation 3 version.
This disarmament achievement was thought to be impossible because players, who can build nukes as they please, would be required to join forces to denuclearize the game.
Konami’s luck with this particular not-so-secret cutscene has not been good. Back in 2018, it was unlocked accidentally for PCs users.