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A Week In Comments

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Marvel Signs Big MMO Deal
Comment by: Gyaruson
Nominated by: bfwings55

By the hammer of Thor, this game should be a (Hulk) SMASHingly good time. For those of you who snikt - err, I mean 'snicker', at the idea of a Marvel MMO than surely your Spidey-sense isn't quite up to snuff. Stark my words, this will be Ultimate.

Xbox Live Issues: It's Not Just You
Comment by: Project_J187
Nominated by: aw3str1k3r


If there's one thing Microsoft will fix quickly, it is a billing error.

Councilman Resigns After Spruiking Racist Flash Game
Comment by: phicaluk
Nominated by: sisedi


Who councils the councilmen?

Stranglehold Movie Apparently Won't Star Chow Yun-Fat
Comment by: Antiterra
Nominated by:


The pitch for the movie probably went something like this:

"So, it's exactly like the game, but with a different story, actor and director.
And we're open to changing the title if you're worried it sounds like a bondage torture-porn flick.
Also, in order to make the protagonist more relatable for today's audiences, we have changed his name to Vodka 'Red Bull' Appletini. It tested well in our focus group.
Exciting stuff, huh? Are you excited? 'Cos I'm excited. Can you see how excited I am? Look at my armpits! These sweat stains scream 'heeeck-cited'."

"How much is this gonna cost?"

"Almost nothing, the crew gets paids in cow intestines I>flambé and whoopie cushions."

"And you say the kids are 'down with this shit, dawg'? They 'dig it'?"

"Oh, hell, absolutely! Hot diggity, if I may be so bold!"


Ghostbusters Is "Gears of War Lite"
Comment by: Cloudleet
Nominated by: Duin

I feel a smirk comes up when I think of Ernie Hudson going "ALL ABOARD THE WINSTON TRAIN B*TCHES!


Weekend Coupons: Free and Reduced Price Lunch
Comment by: UsernameOfTheDead
Nominated by: Dangeresque... Too?

With the $20 savings you might be able to afford to
unlock all the content on the RE5 disc.


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