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A Helluva Confession, Bitches

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To: Fahey From: Bashcraft RE: It's The Circle Of Life Guilty Gear, do it Fahey, DO IT. Confession: Before last week, I had never seen the Dave Chappelle show. Like, I didn't even know he had a TV show. Of course, I know who Dave Chappelle is, but the meme phenomenon that his show spawned simply never fell on my radar. Blame living in Japan or watching Japanese TV or whatever, but I was clueless. So! At TGS over beers when Crecente and McWhertor and Luke were talking about their favorite skits from the show, I had no effing clue what they were talking about. All of them were nice enough to then show me the best clips online and bring me up to speed. After that, Crecente said, "Just be sure not to drop 'I'm Rick James, bitches' or 'Cocaine is a helluva drug' in posts as those jokes are a coupla years old." It reminds me of something a friend of mine from college said while we were traveling in Italy: "People in Italy can follow soccer without trying. You just absorb it being there, talking with people and occasionally seeing Italian TV. But if you live in the U.S. and want to follow Italian soccer, you've really got to put in an effort." I feel like that about American pop culture sometimes, which kinda makes me sad as I am, you know, American. But whaddaya gonna do... Really hope that Dave Chappelle gets another show, though. That would be great. What you missed last night Microsoft Hit With Class Action Over RROD Star Ocean 4 Looks Amazing, Plays...The Same Early Max Payne Review: "Horrid", "Dodgy", "Sub-standard" EA Don't Just Make Games, They KILL GAMES PSP-3000 Gruesomely Dissected For Your Viewing Pleasure Ten Games That Makes Japan Cry (Three Are Erotic Games) Cave Story Graphics Comparison, PC v Wii Microsoft Says Xbox 360 Can "Handle" Metal Gear Solid 4