Just yesterday, we saw this funny Slate article that re-imagined the current presidential elections as a Mortal Kombat-style fighting game.
But if the folks at Candax Productions have their way, we won't have to imagine it. Their game, Battle For Presidency, is currently doing pretty well on Steam Greenlight. You can see a trailer above, featuring some (okay, pretty rough-looking) gameplay.
In a recent Greenlight-oriented interview at Eurogamer, Valve's Chet Faliszek mentioned being a fan of the idea, though he didn't mention the game by name:
There's a fighting game where you're past presidents of the United States and you're fighting in the Oval Office. That's hilarious. That's like the most awesome game. I totally want Street Fighter with Abe Lincoln versus George Washington.
Between Battle For Presidency, the Slate gag, and Chair's recent iOS game VOTE!!!, it does seem clear that people want a game that lets them bypass all this annoying debate and posturing and get right to the face-punching. Does Battle For Presidency have the right stuff to become that game? Time will tell.
Battle for Presidency [Steam Greenlight via Eurogamer]