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You're Effing Downloaded: The Kenny Powers App

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Kenny Powers, the washed-up lout protagonist of the sports comedy Eastbound & Down on HBO, has his own 16-bit inspired home-run derby game, free on the iPhone. You can use a donkey to distract him into throwing a meatball pitch.

This game also is desirable because it is not for those under 17, which means bad language and implied sex (but no nudity). You play as the batter against the mulleted cornrowed badass Powers. Tap the screen to call for a pitch, tilt it forward to whack it. You're not gonna get much in gameplay; the payoff's in one liners.

Powers announced it in-character via Twitter earlier today: "Pull out your Steve Jobs iShit device & get the game of the fucking century - 'KP's Home Run Fiesta!' "


See its App Store web page here.

Kenny Powers Makes His iPhone Debut With Home Run Fiesta [Game Informer]