Kaze Emanuar, who we normally post about thanks to his astounding work modding Mario games, has with the help of some friends only gone and made an all-new Legend of Zelda game.
It’s called The Missing Link, and has been made in the Ocarina of Time Engine.
Set in between Ocarina and Majora’s Mask, it tries its hardest to get across that it’s an all-new game, so while some of the gear and characters are familiar, the world and dungeons you play through—complete with cutscenes and story—are all fresh.
Especially cool is a certain item you get later on in the game that I won’t mention because it’s a bit of a spoiler, but which is a great exploration of some of the themes present in this generation of Zelda games and allows for some excellent puzzles.
You can download it here in a variety of formats, depending on how you like to play your modded retro classics.