In July 2019, Kyoto Animation’s Studio 1 building was set ablaze, leaving 36 people dead. The studio has since been demolished. Today, Kyoto Animation issued a press release, asking fans not to visit the site.
“Any entry into the premises of Kyoto Animation 1st Studio is prohibited without permission,” reads the release. “Since the vicinity is a residential area, we ask for your cooperation in not disturbing the residents.”
In particular, the animation studio request that people refrain from the following:
Leaving flowers, food, flammable items, trash, etc.
Parking and stopping of cars and motorcycles
Stopping and sitting for prolonged periods of time (or in front of the site)
Shooting of videos and photos
Any other activities that violate daily manners.
Above is how the former studio looked like this spring. You can see the helicopter footage here.
It’s understandable that fans would want to pay their respects, but also that the residents would rather that the small neighborhood wasn’t subjected to a continuous flow of visitors.