E3 brought with it an avalanche of news, previews and interviews. So much hit the site over two weeks that plenty of great stories may have missed your radar.
Here's a quick list of ten big stories you may have missed had you not been paying attention.
Shigeru Miyamoto accidentally confirms "Kind Code" to Kotaku
We learn that Project Milo features a dog, is a bit like the Sims and the virtual child currently has the lifespan of a fruit fly
Sony explains their motion controller and why there wasn't a PS3 price drop at E3
Two Left 4 Dead Survivors that Didn't Make the Cut
Miyamoto talks about the Wii Vitality Sensor and how he's no longer sad
Reggie Fils-Aime talks about Microsoft's motion control and the DSi's lack of virtual console
How Super Mario Galaxy 2 came to be and why it will have 90 percent new levels
Ninja Gaiden's future explained
Why Natal's launch will be as big as the launch of the Xbox 360
How Other M will change the face of Metroid