Pinball FX 3 gives Zen Studios pinball fans a very good reason to return to their old tables. Every table in the free-to-download game features unlockable upgrades and special abilities, which help players master mechanics and rack up higher scores. The call of “one more game” is very hard to resist.

Portal pinball? Count me in. Then out. Then in, but from a different place. Detailed over at the PlayStation Blog, Valve’s first-person puzzler is getting the silver ball treatment the week on May 25 across all Zen Pinball 2 and Pinball FX 2 platforms. Expect to Chell out $2.99 on consoles and $1.99 on portables for Read more

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By the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak! Doctor Strange is getting a Marvel Pinball table! I bet you thought I was going to say "By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!" Well, I'll leave it to Zen Studios to deliver the iconic line in this trailer for its 16th table in the series; it arrives in December.

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What Do You Get When You Combine a Speeder Bike and a Pinball Table? You get a rather slick sub-level in Return of the Jedi, (at 1:00 of this gameplay video) due sometime this fall in the next set of three tables for Zen Studios' Star Wars Pinball.
