We've also got thoughts on Shadow of the Erdtree's worst area and Nintendo charging $60 for Donkey Kong Country…
The zombie toy store captures everything wrong with algorithm-driven 'fun'
Someone talked about Final Fantasy IX, another reminisced about a SNES, and a third discussed Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Chibi plumbers and Cold War super soldier clones alike are welcome at our tables this year
Have you ever wanted to fight off waves of Beyblades inside a Toy ‘R’ Us while playing as a tiny action figure…
The Toys ‘R’ Us bankruptcy auction has been cancelled, replaced with a plan to reboot the brand and open new stores.
Charles Lazarus, the founder of retail chain Toys ‘R’ Us, has died at the age of 94. His death comes just a week…
For nearly two decades, this pressure-washed-to-hell beige building in a strip mall off North Point Parkway in…
It’s going to be a little bit harder to be a Toys’R’Us kid in the U.S. soon, as the toy retailer puts plans in…
Faced with $5 billion in long-term investment debt and fierce competition from a rapidly-changing retail…
In the 15 years I worked at Toys “R” Us, I sometimes leaked information about video game sales and posted them on…
Lightseekers isn’t another toys-to-life game. It’s got gorgeous articulated figures that talk, vibrate and evolve,…
In celebration of the launch of Skylanders: Trap Team, Activision planted hidden cameras all over a Toys'R'Us and…
Hey kids, want the same exact toys in black and gold? The Toys'R'Us legendary Skylanders line continues with next…
Aww, look at his little soccer ball head. Celebrating the onset of soccer fever, Activision is releasing special edition Skylanders: Swap Force toy 'Kickoff' Countdown (clever) this Sunday, May 18, at ToysRUs locations across the country and online.
Did you hear that? That's the sounds of hundreds of thousands of parents and collectors breathing a sigh of relief,…
Activision is planning to unveil the next big installment in its wildly popular (and lucrative) toy-video game combo …
The next wave of Skylanders: Swap Force figures hit Toys'R'Us this weekend, leaving hardcore collectors and…
This morning Toys'R'Us locations across the U.S. start selling Rubble Rouser and Stink Bomb, the two Skylanders toys…
Attention Skylanders parents, you're going to Toys R Us tomorrow morning. Swap Force launched this past weekend with some important elements and travel powers unrepresented. The twelve new figures going on sale tomorrow morning exclusively at Toys R Us should help fill in the blanks. Read more