The UK Gambling Commission released its annual report today examining the gambling habits of 11- to 16-year-olds.…
Refunds notwithstanding, digital video game purchases are normally a one-way street, but what if they weren’t? A…
With the Xbox One dropping in China in September and the PlayStation 4 dropping some time later, Chinese news…
Now that Ubisoft has made not one but two pirate-themed games in the Assassin's Creed universe, a survey being sent…
It seems a few players were a little upset with the way the most recent installment of SimCity turned out. Today a…

Back in November, 1,049 Japanese people were asked by survey company goo Ranking to choose which animated or Tokusat…
More than a year ago, Abe Stein of the Game Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology reached out to me about…
Last month, goo Research polled 1,939 Japanese people from ages 15 to 44 about their manga reading habits. Questions…
Ubisoft's critically acclaimed platformer Rayman Origins is going to get a sequel; it's pretty much inevitable. What…
This week, Weekly Famitsu asked its readers about their gaming habits and brought back some interesting results.
I was under the impression that it took a creative person to fully appreciate everything video games have to offer.…
Huntington, New Yorkers spend more than four times the average amount of video games, according to a recent study by…
With Nintendo placing emphasis on delivering strong gaming experiences to their latest handheld. just how important…
A study found that whites and, by a slighter margin, blacks were more likely to account for purchases of in-game…
My 13-year-old sister visited recently and the first thing she did was ask for the wireless password. So what?…
Just 10 percent of gamers actually finish a game, an industry veteran told CNN in a recent feature, and his…
In May, we learned that Netflix's console traffic—just movies streaming to consoles now—accounted for 20 percent of…
A promotional survey taken by a video game price comparison site turns up an interesting stat: The average gamer…