Vincent Lemay came in just 2,700 points shy of Hank Chien's world record score for Donkey Kong, adding his name to…
Rapper Jean Grae's great new song Kill Screen riffs off Donkey Kong and Steve Wiebe. Take a listen over at MTV.
The high score battle between Donkey Kong pros Steve Wiebe and Billy Mitchell was immortalized in 2007's The King of…
Forget 2007 documentary The King of Kong. That was a struggle for Donkey Kong domination between just two men. The…
Hank Chien, the plastic surgeon who is the two-time (and current) world high score champion in Donkey Kong, is the…
Billy Mitchell, who supplied every villainous stereotype short of twirling his mustache in "The King of Kong: A…
In the battle between three men over who is the world's best Donkey Kong player, a New York plastic surgeon has…
After Steve Wiebe reclaimed the world record high score in Donkey Kong in September, the Seattle teacher said there…
The infamous "kill screen" sets a limit to the highest possible score in Donkey Kong. Steve Wiebe, who reclaimed the…
The Donkey Kong high score record has been shattered three times this year with Steve Wiebe recapturing the title…
On the day he was to be enshrined with the inaugural class of the International Video Game Hall of Fame, Billy…
Steve Wiebe, the protagonist of the documentary The King of Kong, famous for his pursuit of Donkey Kong's all-time…
The newly minted world record holder in Donkey Kong didn't have a lot of space in his high-rise condo. So when he…
Steve Wiebe, featured in the acclaimed documentary "The King of Kong", has reclaimed the world record high score for…
Steve Wiebe, international nice guy and star of the documentary "King of Kong", doesn't just sit around all day…
Some unsportsmanlike tweets attributed to Billy Mitchell are 100 percent fake, says the Donkey Kong world record…
Steve Wiebe will be taking a crack at Billy Mitchell's Donkey Kong world record during this year's E3. To help him…
If you haven't seen King of Kong, I won't spoil it for you. Let's just say that Steve Wiebe has a Donkey Kong record…
If you saw this week's King of Stampede, you might have wondered "Why the hell was Steve Wiebe getting a certified…
The thing about goals, they must be measurable, and they must be achievable. That's how I justify going after some…