Forget 2007 documentary The King of Kong. That was a struggle for Donkey Kong domination between just two men. The Kong Off, held last week, was a struggle between sixteen of the world's (well, North America's) best player.
For your good vs evil, narrative purposes, yes, Steve Wiebe (the good guy) and Billy Mitchell (the bad guy) from the doc were in attendance. Wiebe even placed second. Again. First place however went to Hank Chien, the current world record-holder, while Mitchell could only finish in seventh place.
The Kong Off was the first time so many of the game's top players had ever been in the one room at the same time playing Donkey Kong, so it would have been a great thing to see. Since most of you didn't, though, you'll have to make do with these photos from the event.
The event was held at Richie Knucklez Arcade Games in New Jersey. You can check out its official site here.
Tournament fevah: The Kong Off and Pinburgh 2011 [Arcade Heroes] [Pic: Florence Ivy]