Rich Vogel, who worked on Ultima Online, Star Wars Galaxies, and other landmark MMOs, has something new in the works
The ambitious MMORPG Star Wars Galaxies shut down servers in 2011 but the fan run servers of SWGEmu keeps an old…
In 2003, way before anyone could even imagine a Star Wars-Disney union, thousands of eager padawans signed up for an…
Bars, clubs and noisy taverns are always crucial locations in a story-driven game. They are save points, places…
A week ago Star Wars Galaxies closed down for good. Today, the MMO published its official "memory book," a whale…
Not with a bang, but several bangs. Then a whimper. And a succession of people just standing around, awkwardly,…
Tonight is the end of Star Wars Galaxies, once a crown jewel of Sony Online Entertainment's MMO portfolio. There is…
Based in the UK, Georgi "Calader" Simeonov works at Splash Damage, meaning he had a hand in the lovely "nothing but…
With the dawning of Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Wars: Galaxies, aka "that other old MMO," is headed for…
In the Star Wars universe, nobody ever really wins anything. When good "wins" evil remains, and when evil remains,…
When Sony Online Entertainment said it would shut down Star Wars: Galaxies by the end of the year, many teeth were…
Star Wars Galaxies, a game that's probably more notable for how disappointing it was rather than its moderate…
The original MMO set in a galaxy far, far away, Star Wars Galaxies, is ending its online existence this December,…
Star Wars Galaxies, the original massively-multiplayer online role-playing game based on George Lucas' universe,…
As the custodians of games that are completely unplayable during Sony's massive network outage, Sony Online…
In just over a month since the release of Star Wars Galaxies Chronicle Master mission creation tool, fans have…
Sony Online Entertainment's free character transfer service for Star Wars Galaxies was so successful, they're…
It's safe to say that Star Wars Galaxies has been a disappointment. It's boring. If only they'd introduced zombie…
Star Wars Galaxies players are are getting some hot snowspeeder versus AT-ST combat with Chapter 11: The Battle of…
Jeff Freeman, whose work includes stints at Spacetime Studios and Sony Online Entertainment on Star Wars Galaxies as…