The departure of Sega of America COO Simon Jeffery has sparked worldwide leadership consolidation for the company,…
President and COO of Sega of America Simon Jeffery has left the house of Sonic, hitching his executive wagon to…
Lots of people own Wiis. I own a Wii and maybe you do, too. And because so many people own Wiis, that means we get…
Sega president Simon Jeffery appeared to have misspoke on the employment fate of famed game designer Yu Suzuki when…
And the post-E3 soul-searching continues! Latest to be asked for his $0.02 is the man with the soothing voice, Sega…
God Hand 2? Viewtiful Joe 3? Not coming, at least not from the Platinum Games, formerly Clover, guys. But that…
See Brian try to talk the head of Sega of America into launching Dreamcast 2 to take on the Wii.
Dreamcast 2? Seaman…
We explained it in detail, why Aliens didn't make E3. But it's so much more soothing hearing the news come in the…
When we talked to SEGA of America president Simon Jeffery at E3 last week, he showered us with knowledge and…
Among the revelations: Sega starting courting the former Clover folks as soon as there the problems with Capcom…
Speaking with SEGA of America president Simon Jeffery earlier this week, he was pretty excited about how well Mario…
Talking with Sega of America president Simon Jeffery today, we asked the inevitable question — Is Sega ever going to…