You may not have heard of Electronic Arts, a boutique publishing label based in Redwood City, Calif. Well, I bet you…
Well this is some creative marketing. Head on over to to play through a ninja-centric text…

This launch trailer for Shank 2 is a spectacle of gore and cartoony style. One of the sequel's additions to the…
This week, there's a good amount of solid stuff new at the PlayStation store; it ain't the horn of plenty that we've…

The sequel to Klei Entertainment's cartoony stab-em-up brings me something that I desperately wanted from the…

Klei Entertainment's sequel to the stylish stab-em-up I—and many others—loved is scheduled for an early 2012…

We've seen our share of Humble Indie Bundles over the past year or two—independent developers who gather under the…
Klei Entertainment's upcoming Shank 2 brings a new brand of extreme slice-em-up to the stage with its co-op…

Inspired as it is by 1980s action-movie tropes, you can probably guess the plot of Shank 2's story mode. If your…

Released through the EA Partners program last year, Klei Entertainment's gorgeously gory sidescroller won legions…
"We literally put our mortgages to it...It was a big deal. It needed to be good."
Last year's side-scrolling slice 'em up Shank is getting a sequel, EA and Klei Entertainment announced today.…

Endless streams of tough guys. One after another. I pull out my blades, switch to a chainsaw and then start…
Shank, the side-scrolling beat-and-slash-em-up out this week, runs like a dream on the PS3 but is having some…

Shoot, slice and strangle 'em up Shank is coming to the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade this August, a…
Klei Entertainment's side-scrolling action game Shank will hit the PlayStation Network on August 24 for $14.99, with…
Kotaku commenter Jessifer's correct answer to our trivia giveaway was chosen at random from 291 correct entries,…
Who says you can't get your hands on the best goodies given out during E3? Klei Entertainment, makers of the heavily…
First I shanked the guy, then I shot him, then I stuffed a grenade down his throat and punched him in the face, then…