Volition’s classic Saints Row 2 has been almost unplayable on PC for years after the game’s source code went missing…
The first Saints Row was a passable, if awkward Grand Theft Auto clone. Saints Row 2 is an honest-to-God classic.…
Saints Row 2 is the greatest sandbox game of all time. Grand Theft Auto 5 has a bigger budget, Saints Row IV gives…
Real-time strategy fans who preorder Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II's Chaos Rising expansion online will score a…
Times are tough, and money is tight. Who has $50-60 to spend on new games? Not as many people as there used to be,…
Say what you will about Saints Row 2, you can't say Volition aren't supporting the game post-release. They've just…
As we mentioned earlier, SMAP singer Tsuyoshi Kusanagi was arrested for indecent exposure. Even as the news broke,…
THQ has pushed back the release of the Saints Row 2 downloadable content pack "Ultor Exposed," moving its arrival to…
Tera Patrick joined Saints Row 2 as a "special producer" giving hot developer "commentary". Now, she'll appear in…
Time to dust off your copies of Saints Row 2, kids, because developers Volition have revealed that three new pieces…
Showtime's newest television series, United States of Tara, seems achingly desperate to court controversy. Maybe…
Last year Multiplayer came up with a great idea: sorting through all of the Game of the Year Awards to pick one…
The nice folks at Valve have just informed us that THQ's open-world gangbanger simulation Saint's Row II is now…
While THQ's budget sadly doesn't extend to having Gary Busey endorse Saints Row 2's PC requirements, we can make…
Here's a TV spot for THQ's Saints Row 2, which was just released in Japan. (It's, well, interesting. Like PaRappa…
THQ's financial results today were pretty glum. But there was one piece of good news tucked in amongst the studio…
Releasing PC ports of popular crime-based sandbox games on time? That ain't gangsta. THQ will be keeping the PC…
Saint's Row 2 might be a very tongue-in-cheek take on the GTA-style sandbox genre, but the New York's police unions…