Real-time strategy fans who preorder Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II's Chaos Rising expansion online will score a free copy of Saints Row 2, which I'm sure makes sense to someone, somewhere.
I know there have to be PC gamers out there who enjoy a real-time strategy game as much as they do an open-ended sandbox game about stealing cars and gangbanging, and perhaps they are overjoyed right now at this news, rushing to Steam, Best Buy, GameStop, GameTap or Metaboli to put their order in. Maybe they'll even preorder the game directly from THQ, which scores them an exclusive Librarian Wargear Pack on top of that. For that proud few, I am happy.
I just can't imagine the Venn diagram comparing fans of the two disparate genres shows much overlap.
Still, getting a full game for free with purchase of a $29.99 standalone expansion is quite the deal, so maybe a mass expanding of horizons is in order. Did you know you could sell sex for respect in Saints Row 2? That's some real-time strategy right there. See? We can all get along.