A reliable Kotaku source has informed us that the PlayStation 4, codenamed Orbis, will be out this November in the…
E3 is a den of promises. Promises sell products. And according to the cynics of the world, promises are meant to be…
Still waiting to join the ranks of PlayStation Move owners? If the PlayStation 3's take on Wii Sports wasn't your…
With the popularity of music games like Guitar Hero and Rock Band waning, could karaoke for movies be the next party…
The PlayStation Eye is fairly handy as a console camera, a PC webcam and even part of Sony's Move setup. But it's…
The PlayStation Move controller requires that you set a PlayStation Eye camera above or below your TV. Don't think…
Dance Central for Kinect might be getting all the attention, but Konami's DanceDanceRevolution for the PlayStation…
A lot has been made about the potential for the PlayStation Move's motion controls, but let's not forget that the…
Are you ready to invest in motion control for your PlayStation 3? Sony has laid out your options for hopping onto…
In controlled environments, Sony's EyePet had looked set to revolutionise the way we interacted with our games. But…
Now, as demonstrated at this year's CEDEC 09 conference in Japan, the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Eye can…
Sony's given a release date and two pricing schemes for EyePet, its augmented-reality, cute widdle fuzzy…
Dogs and cats are boring. Especially when you compare them to Sony's interactive EyePet. Sony Europe released a…
Sony Computer Entertainment America filed a patent a couple months back, for a system using coffee mugs to play a…
Here's a YouTube comment on PlayStation 3 EyePet that caught my eye last week: "Both are useless this and milo both…
Earlier this week we showed you Sony's PlayStation 3 EyePet in augmented-reality action. Today, I'll struggle to…
Forget full-body waggle, the thing that most excited me about Project Natal's E3 demo was the promise that the…
E3 2009 was both exciting and worrisome for the suits at Tecmo Koei. New motion sensing control schemes from…
In part two of our Bonus Round discussion, we chat about the high-definition "Wii Plus," Project Natal (again), the…
In part one of our Bonus Round discussion, Keighley, Pachter, Satterfield and I touch on the Xbox 360's Project…