Zipper Interactive has launched the promised open beta test for the PlayStation 3's MAG, but early server issues…
Zipper Interactive has announced a massive multiplayer open beta for the PlayStation 3's massive multiplayer…
The public beta for Zipper Interactive's massive action game MAG got a few more willing testers today, as the…
Two new gameplay trailers give you a good idea of the Massive Action offered by Sony's MAG, but they raise one…
Time to check your e-mail, PS3 fans. Those desperately wanting to get into the MAG beta might already have an invite…
The thinning Fall 2009 release list looks like it's getting one release thinner today, as online retailers are…
While this clip does go into some of the technical side of creating a game for 256 simultaneous players at once, the…
At the Sony booth during E3 2009 I got a chance to become a part of something much bigger than myself, stepping into…
.html Zipper Interactive's ambitious Massive Action Game may not be as visually impressive as, say Killzone 2 or Un…
Zipper Interactive is taking its shooter know-how to a more massive scale with MAG, the developer's "massive action…
The official web site for Sony's MAG, the "massive action game" for the PlayStation 3 from SOCOM developers Zipper…
PlayStation 3 blockbusters like God of War III and MAG may not make a 2009 release after all, according to a…
An email titled "Short Survey. Big New Game." has gone out to PlayStation Underground, reports The BitBag, and it…
Click to viewIt's not hard to imagine that Sony knew Microsoft would choose E3 to make its curtain-call announcement…
Click to viewSony saved the final announcement of its E3 keynote for a concept using the placehold title of "MAG:…