Yesterday, I posted about a Fallout 4 mod that uses a complex, intertwining network of, er, kitties to make radios…
Yesterday, I posted about a Fallout 4 mod that uses a complex, intertwining network of, er, kitties to make radios…
Editor's Note: Imagine that there are secrets about video games buried under the soil on which you stand. The…
Has it really been five years since Turbine took the world's most beloved fantasy world and transformed it into a…
Well, actually, one does if one is Wes Burt, concept artist at Massive Black, whose recent work for Turbine's Lord…
Lord of the Rings Online will be debuting a new expansion year that raises the level cap to 85, and rolls out new…
Turbine, developers of Lord of the Rings Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online, have sent out an email this evening…
Jordan Wayne Long is preparing for his summer vacation- seven days, locked in a crate, traveling from Bald Knob,…
In a podcast, the developers of Lord of the Rings Online said that the switch over to a freemium play model has…
Starting this fall Turbine's Lord of the Rings Online will be free to play. The game will make its money by selling…
Turbine marks three years' worth of plunging players headlong into the magical world of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle…
Warner Bros. video game family grows again today, as does the its ownership of things that fall under The Lord of…
The Lord of the Rings Online world expands further this fall, as Turbine unveils the Siege of Mirkwood, a newest…
Ever since World of Warcraft launched, subsequent MMOs usually (EVE aside) go a little something like this: they…
Talk of Turbine's Lord of the Rings Online making the jump from PC to console has been swirling for a while now, but…
Turbine does amazing things to the elven realm Lothlórien, in the first free content update of The Lord of the…
Lord of the Rings Online developer Turbine confirmed that they are working on a new massively multiplayer online…
Turbine proudly announces the launch of the first expansion for Lord of the Rings Online, Mines of Moria is now…
Lord of the Rings Online fans rejoice! Your first expansion - Mines of Moria - is coming November 18th. Last time we…
Turbine has released a new set of screenshots depicting the two new classes coming to The Lord of the Rings Online…
Here it is folks, the first teaser for Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria, LOTR Online's first expansion.…