Halloween may be over, but this timeless show will never be out of season
Two of the devs behind Limbo and Inside deliver another masterful puzzle game
Pokémon Volleyball, Tony Hawk Hades, and more will restore your faith in gaming
Whether you’re looking for high-speed action or contemplative narrative games, 2023 has something for you
A classic formula makes the jump to 3D, but stumbles on landing
Silt, The Cub, Planet of Lana, and similar platformers demand a new term: the ‘Limbolike’
The debut title by British indie developer Spiral Circus is out now on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation, and Xbox
Okomotive’s pleasant sailing game is a surprisingly engaging puzzle-platformer
It wouldn't be hell without creepy, unbaptized babies!
Guerrilla Collective's second 2021 showcase aimed the spotlight at under-the-radar games
The weekend is for getting together with the family for a nice meal, preferably without being stuffed and posed…
When it came out in 2010, Playdead’s Limbo showed the puzzle platforming formula could be turned inside out to…
What’s black, white and red all over and coming this fall for Xbox One and PlayStation 4? A double-pack of Limbo and Inside. Playdead’s pair of stark and beautiful indie platformers hit stores on September 12 for $29.99, courtesy of publisher 505 Games.
Little Nightmares is like being up late as a child, stumbling after a bad dream. Shadows hide monsters and nothing…
Inside, one of the most critically acclaimed games of 2016 so far, is coming to PS4 on August 23, Sony said today. It was previously only available for Xbox One and PC. Down to console exclusivity!
The final moments of Inside are tense and unexpected, but it’s only one way for it to end. Theories about the secret…
Well, here’s one of the most straightforward video game reviews I’ll ever write.
Limbo is free today and tomorrow on Steam. It’d be a fun one to replay in anticipation of Playdead’s extremely good follow-up Inside. But mostly: free Limbo!
Inside, Playdead’s follow-up to Limbo, hits Xbox One on June 29th and Steam on July 7th. They’re making Limbo free on Xbox One until June 20, and on Steam June 21-22. I’ve played the whole game and it is ridiculously good. More on that a little later, once this press conference madness dies down.
It’s raining free Xbox games! Only a few days after Fallout 4 accidentally went on sale for $0.00 on the Xbox Store,…