Indiana Jones is not the only one solving annoying ancient puzzles in haunted caves, armed with a whip and…
There was a time when mines and minecarts dominated video games. If a platformer or RPG didn't have a mine stage or…
I like most of the Lego video games. They present breezy opportunities to fight and explore. Their charm compensates…
Here's the Nepal bar shootout scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, for Lego Indiana Jones 2. I guess the Lego-talk…
Whoops! According to the curriculum vitae of an animator currently employed at LEGO developers Traveller's Tales,…
It's an exciting day for everyone in Lego Gotham City. A new hero err heroine has been announced, Batgirl! She will…
Click to view Bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, it's pretty fun, try it out. This pretty much sums up Yahtzee's latest…
Despite my excitement over the whole melding Lego with Indiana Jones business, I've somehow managed to hold off…
Who knew that combining little plastic blocks with blockbuster movie trilogies could prove so charming? LucasArts…
So, if seeing Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull left you a little disappointed, and you're…
And it's quite possible that this is viral marketing for the upcoming title (out in June), if not the movie (this…
PC gamers eager to get an early taste of Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures now have their chance!…