It is my personal opinion that Black Thought is one of the best rappers to ever step to the mic. You may disagree.…
What can you glean watching Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime on last night's Late Night With Jimmy…
Jimmy Fallon's body was ready, but Reggie Fils-Aime overwhelmed him anyway with what Nintendo had to offer at E3.
All this week, Late Night with Jimmy Fallon is showing off big video games. To honour this special (marketing)…
Video Game Week kicks off on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon tonight on NBC with the help of Infinity Ward's Robert…
Felicia Day runs, tumbles, and generally kicks ass in the trailer for the episodic live-action Dragon Age II…
Late Night with Jimmy Fallon will show off the first live demo of hotly-anticipated Playstation 3 exclusive…
Xbox 360 Kinect's third appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon features Microsoft's Kudo Tsunoda without…
Jimmy Fallon had 10 game consoles set in front of him on Late Night yesterday. He tried to claim a world record by…
It is a cliché to say it is a cliché that a celebrity seemed like a normal person. So let's just say that, in his…
Jimmy Fallon played Call of Duty: Black Ops on Late Night last night, proving once again that video games are much…
Jimmy Fallon's Late Night talk show gets all video gamey this week, showing off Kinect tonight, Call of Duty: Black…
Tomorrow was supposed to be the day that Gears of War designer Cliff Bleszinski was to appear on Late Night with…
The host of Late Night with Jimmy Fallon writes that the design director for popular Xbox 360 exclusive Gears of…
Brutal Legend designer Tim Schafer appeared on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon last night.
Heavy metal adventure Brutal Legend will make a repeat appearance on NBC's Late Night With Jimmy Fallon, as Double…
Brutal Legend designer and Double Fine head honcho Tim Schafer will be appearing on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon in…
Real or a put-on, Jimmy Fallon's apparent love of video games gives our favorite hobby quite a late night stage on…
See Orlando Magic center Dwight "Superman" Howard's eyes light up like a kid at Christmas as he sees his NBA Live 10