The guys that make Flight Control (Firemint) just bought the guys who make Puzzle Quest (Infinite Interactive). If…

Namco brings the sequel to the original role-puzzling game to the iPhone, and while Puzzle Quest 2's engaging…
The eagerly anticipated follow-up to the game that launched the puzzle-RPG genre, Puzzle Quest, will be playable at…
In spring 2010, D3Publisher unleashes the only cure for Puzzle Quest addiction on the Xbox 360 and Nintendo DS - Puz…
Shrugging off the disappointment that was Galactrix, Australia's Infinite Interactive are now hardat work on a true…
Infinite Interactive, the creators of Puzzle Quest, continue to combine adventure and gem-matching with Puzzle…
Infinite Interactive takes its innovative mix of role-playing and puzzle games to the stars with Puzzle Quest:…
D3’s Dorks, Dealers and Double-Ds event made much of Galactrix, even if they did designate it as the “dork” portion…
Man, if only NASA were really like Puzzle Quest – I’d so have signed up for space camp.