Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition was part of the latest crop of titles to come to…
Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition was part of the latest crop of titles to come to…
Jin Fujisawa has worked on the Dragon Quest series for around two decades. Today on Twitter, he announced he’s…
It usually takes some kind of achievement or trophy you can show off to your friends to compel people to 100%…
It has come to my attention that we might, within a few short years, find ourselves living on a planet devoid of…
Actress Keiko Awaji is proof of two things: video games have no age limit and even pretty ladies get old.
It's December, but Square Enix, the Tokyo-based company behind Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, is looking at rough…
It's happened again: I spent 100 hours on Dragon Quest IX and I'm running out of things to do before I can just go…
Square Enix polled Japanese gamers about which Dragon Quest titles they liked the best. Those gamers replied, the…
Many people love Nintendo DS role-playing game Dragon Quest IX, but Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime…
Level-5, the Fukuoka-based developer behind Professor Layton and White Knight Chronicles, is loving the Japanese…
Is your Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies experience a little lonely? Mine was. For those in the United…
Be a hero. Be yourself. Do good in Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies, a game in which you play a fallen…
If you are somebody, and you visit Nintendo's New York offices from out of town, you get your very own greeting in…
What would happen if Dragon Quest's most famous slime encountered Final Fantasy's most famous bird? Yuji Horii,…
…40 hours, Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii told Kotaku today. Why 40? Why not 30 or 50?
Dragon Quest IX was released in Japan on July 11, 2009. A year later, the game is getting released in North…
On Sunday Saturday, New Yorkers will be able to buy Dragon Quest IX early and do other Dragon Questy stuff.
Like Dragon Quest? Want to, perhaps, write Dragon Quest games? Okay, read on.
Nintendo's Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies celebrity sneak-peek event gets a lil' crunk, thanks to…
How does one sell a game like Dragon Quest IX, a traditionally core role-playing game, to the general Nintendo…