In asking me to write about this game, released on Steam today after six years in the wilderness, Stephen said that I…
The much-anticipated, long-simmering-in-development-hell Cube World is actually coming out, according to its…
In 2013, voxel exploration game Cube World blew up, amassing millions of views on YouTube and video game sites.…
It seems that Cube World is still not dead.
Cube World grabbed endless headlines for good reason: it looked incredible. A playable alpha was released in July…
Though we initially heard a little about Cube World's questing system back in January, today the developers gave us…
Remember Frontiers? It's basically The Elder Scrolls as created by two indies, and now it's getting hang gliders on…
It's been a while since we've written about Cube World, the amazing-looking voxel-based RPG with a focus on…
Here's a montage of some of Cube World's bosses by hiim0n...aren't they cute? DECEPTIVELY CUTE, 'cause they can kick your butt.
Into Cube World? Then check out this cool article at Kill Screen about voxel technology and voxel pioneer Ken Silverman.
If you've taken a chance on the Cube World alpha, you might've noticed one thing. Aside from the beautiful voxels…
One of Cube World's neat features is that it lets you collect as many pets as you'd like. Under normal…
Today is the type of day where I look back on the week and go holy moly, I've spent most of my time recently doing on…
Cube World was partly inspired by Zelda, so it totally makes sense to mod the boat from Wind Waker into the game. Now all we need is a bit of music. And maybe a few treasure charts. Read more
Cube World's alpha launch has been a rocky one—eager fans waiting to get their hands on the immensely charming voxel…
Unfortunately, due to a number of server issues from having so many people try to download the game—which the…
After an official release announcement, followed by a long day filled with server crashes, bug fixing and careful…
Yesterday, a post popped up on voxel-based PC adventure-RPG Cube World's forums. "It's finally happened, the moment…
The developers of upcoming voxel-based sandbox RPG Cube World, Picroma, are posting a series of updates to their…
A world without Cube World is a sad world. At least we have a new gameplay video to tide us over.