Last year's TMNT movie had so many problems with it. Like hundreds of them, according to Cinema Sins. Many of them…
In the midst of tearing apart Guardians of the Galaxy for its regular "Everything Wrong With" series, Cinema Sins…
I avoided seeing Transformers: Age of Extinction in theaters or on Blu-ray specifically so my first taste of the…
In the spirit of the Sinister Six or possibly that Marvel event where all the villains swapped heroes, Screen Junkies
Toy Story is a great movie. But like any great movie about toys that magically come to life when people aren't…
One of the most beloved first-person shooters ever to grace a Nintendo console was born of a movie that was not…
With Leonardo off on a character-building mission in another country, the remaining turtles are forced to get day…
As the Michael Bay-produced TMNT reboot is on the horizon, Cinema Sins thought it's time to wipe the dust off the…
Let's just forget that we all agreed to pretend Dragonball: Evolution never happened for a few minutes and check out …
When a movie is too scientific for Cinema Sins to handle, they call on noted astrophysicist and host of Fox hit Cosmo…
There are a lot of things wrong with Snow White & The Huntsman — like how Kristen Stewart is imprisoned for years…
The only film in the X-Men saga I didn't see in theaters might not have been had I known about the heavy reliance of…
With the new Godzilla movie coming up, it's the perfect time to revisit 1998's classic remake starring Matthew…
"We didn't need an entire Origins movie to know that sensitive Logan is boring"
With the release of X-Men: Days of Future Past just around the corner, Cinema Sins checks off all the problems with…
If you ask me, CinemaSins wasted a whole lot of time and effort putting together a 10+ minute video detailing the…
When the final movie in the first Spider-Man trilogy changed Peter Parker's motivational motto from "With great…
I didn't mind the first Spider-Man movie, but every superhero flick has plenty of crazy continuity errors and…
The key to enjoying The Matrix is to turn off your brain and enjoy the ride. Turn on your brain, and you wind up…
With Captain America: Not A Condensed Origin Story hitting theaters later this week, it's time to reflect on all the…