Every popular video game has its following of wishful thinkers, wannabe designers, and straight-up trolls. None has…
From an interview with Valve Software's Chet Faliszek from Beefjack.com:
Our friends at Rock, Paper, Shotgun, the PC gaming partisans, uncovered a bit of a snarl in the Wikipedia page for…
Half-Life and Portal developer Valve won't be getting into the shitty mini-game business with the advent of…
Speaking to Official Xbox Magazine, Valve's Chet Faliszek said the Left 4 Dead 2 team came up with a since-discarded…
Despite the boycotts, despite the un-Valve-like speedy turn around time, despite complaints that Left 4 Dead 2's…
Yes, Left 4 Dead 2's release is shockingly close to the release of the original Left 4 Dead. And yes, Left 4 Dead 2…
Valve's Chet Faliszek is one of the guys responsible for the dialog and writing in some of Valve's greatest…