Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi has posted a tune called "Pray For You" on his tumblr page. The song is…

Let's say you don't like a game. It pisses you off. If you nerd rage, you might do something to the game.…
When not working on video games or grooming his mustache, Hironobu Sakaguchi enjoys playing with LEGO.
Mistwalker, the developers behind Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey, are hard at work on a new title.
Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey developer Mistwalker are hard at work on something new, something unannounced,…
No, that is not Blue Dragon creator Hironobu Sakaguchi. Sorry! That's former Morning Musume leader Miki Fujimoto,…
The first episode of the Blue Dragon anime can be yours for nothing. It's available on Apple's iTunes Store until…
Square Enix role-playing-game Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope has given Japanese companies another glimmer of hope for…
Hironobu Sakaguchi is best known for two things: Creating Final Fantasy and his 'stache. His resume is more than…
Mistwalker's Blue Dragon has a blue dragon in it. Chinese developed online title Kou dai xi yuu has a blue dragon in…
I was browsing the Fort Bliss PX with my folks yesterday when I stumbled across this bad boy: An "Xbox 360 Military…
The follow up to Mistwalker's Xbox 360 role-playing game Blue Dragon was released in Japan earlier this month for…
Viz Media isn't going to let the lackluster reception Xbox 360 RPG Blue Dragon received in here in the states keep…
While Blue Dragon didn't do too much for me as a game, the music was nothing short of wonderful - exactly the sort…