Usually, nothing is worse than playing a game that comes out into the world with random bugs, rough-hewn ideas and a…
Dean Hall's popular zombie survival game is cruel and lonely. But the worst thing for many players is how much you…

These 40 seconds represent the very essence of the open world survival horror game DayZ.
No, this isn't particularly spectacular for a mod, much less one for ArmA II, but it is one made by a six-year-old…

DayZ is the kind of game that creeps into the real world with you regardless, so it's fitting that the filmmakers…

Only in a game featuring permadeath could this stalker encounter become as macabre and hilarious as it is. "This…

Forget all these DayZ blow-ins. Before there were zombies, BI's ArmA II was a game known for its brutal adherence…
The stakes almost always feel high in the zombie-survival game DayZ. Your life can end at any moment, and from any…
Following up from last week's release, and to answer questions people have had in the wake of them, the team working…

The use of glorified video games to train military personnel is nothing new, but traditionally, it's been pretty…

It's tempting. You're in an ultra-realistic, post-apocalyptic fight for survival, and some helpful human players…

Hackers are rampant throughout zombie survival mod DayZ, and while this can often by a massive pain in the ass, it…
In case you needed further proof of the strength of the PC market, or the importance of allowing mods in PC games,…

In the video above, one DayZ player decides to infiltrate a wandering group when they mistake him for a member.

From the YouTube creators that brought you the live-action video of the miserable experience that is finding each…

So, that nutty DayZ video from the other day, when a guy gets on a bus thinking he's going to be saved only to end…

A lot of zombie fiction seeks to explore the dark underbelly of humanity—sure, there are flesh-eating undead…
It's a hard-knock life in DayZ. The zombies aren't nearly as dangerous as the people roaming the wasteland, and…
Day Z, the apocalyptic survival mod developed for Arma II, has taken the world by storm. Over half a million…
DayZ, the Arma II mod that places players in a tense, realistic survival against a zombie outbreak, is easily one of…