Link’s paraglider is an essential tool in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, but it’s actually pretty easy to miss if you decide to start running around Hyrule as soon as you finish the tutorial section. If you’ve somehow managed to get several hours into the game without picking up the paraglider, here’s a quick rundown of how to get it so you don’t face plant next time you’re diving off a sky island.
Where is the paraglider in Tears of the Kingdom?
To get the paraglider, you’ll need to do the To The Kingdom of Hyrule main quest. Head to the center of the map and go to Lookout Landing to talk to Purah, a returning character and fan favorite from Breath of the Wild. She’ll tell you about a scouting group that’s searching for Link and Zelda at Hyrule Castle and asks you to report to Hoz and tell him you’re alive. This will start the Crisis At Hyrule Castle quest, but you won’t need to see this quest through to the end to get the paraglider.
Hoz is pretty easy to find, just follow the path from behind where you first talk to Purah. It’s a small trek, and once you come across a gate, you might be confused. You can simply walk around or climb through the sides of the cliff, and continue going up the path, which will be lined with soldier types. Eventually you’ll reach a castle structure that you’ll need to climb as well, where he awaits at the top. You’ll have a quick interaction with him before what seems to be a Zelda sighting. Careful while you’re navigating all of this, though, as the area seems prone to thunderstorms that require you to take off all metallic objects.

Once you’ve reported to Hoz, head back to Lookout Landing to talk with Purah. She’s working on a Skyview Tower, the first of several that you’ll find all across Hyrule. These are the equivalent of Breath of the Wild’s Sheikah Towers in that they act as fast travel points and add detail to your map. After you’ve activated the first one and landed safely on the ground, Purah will give you the paraglider. Though unlocking the Skyview Tower and the Paraglider aren’t required to explore the open world in Tears of the Kingdom, they’re pretty essential tools to navigating the map, and skipping them is just making the game harder on purpose.
How do I customize the paraglider in Tears of the Kingdom?

Throughout your journey, you’ll receive different patterns for your paraglider, but using them is not as simple as equipping them like a new sword or shield. Instead, you’ll have to head to the Kochi Dye Shop in Hateno, which is found in the Necluda region on the southeastern side of the map. It will cost you 20 rupees for each new design, so have some money on hand before you head over. If you have some amiibo, you should scan them as well, since some come with special paraglider skins. Happy gliding!