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Zelda Fan Builds Enormous Wooden Map Of Hyrule

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Photographer Mason Drumm is also pretty handy with a set of tools, and this Summer set out to build one hell of a tribute to Breath of the Wild.

Here’s how he describes it:

Inspired by hundreds of hours spent playing “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild,” I set out to create a wood and epoxy, hand-crafted, 3D topographical map of Hyrule. Every nook and cranny of the map has an adventure or memory I can recall from playing the game with my wife on the Nintendo Switch. It took 65 hours of work over six weeks in my fathers shop to complete the map. It was my first time working with resin/epoxy and now that it’s done, hanging on the office wall behind my desk, I’m happy to say it was an absolute delight to bring that digital realm into the real world. 


To get an idea of just how much work went into it, and how big it is, check out this fancy video Mason made of the map being made: