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Your Last Chance to Enter Our Be a Kotaku Editor Contest

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This is it, the last day to enter our Be a Kotaku Editor For A Day contest.

All we need from you is a list of your three favorite and three least favorite stories of the year. But not just any stories, original stories. That would include breaking news, features, reviews, opinions, essentially anything we wrote that didn't lean heavily on the link at the bottom of the story. Or better still, a story without one of those.

Hit up the link to read the contest rules and how and where to enter, but remember, you only have until the end of today (Mountain Time) to enter our contest. Tomorrow morning we will announce the finalists.


What do you win, exactly, besides Internet fame?

That means keys to the virtual Kotaku Tower, writing some posts, inclusion in a Kotaku Video Podcast and, of course, all of these goodies:
A World of Warcraft Wrath of the Lich King Collector's Edition box set
A stupid little sheep cellphone do-hickie
A piece of Penny Arcade Adventures art
A Vault Dweller's Survival Guide
A Street Fighter IV pin set from TGS
A Namco Bandai business card holder and keychain
A Metal Slug 7 dog tag
A set of Metal Gear Solid binoculars in a case
And a really freakin' awesome Mega Man 9 t-shirt.


Be A Kotaku Editor For A Day: The Contest
