In The King of Fighters XII, character Athena Asamiya donned an impenetrable school skirt. In upcoming arcade game The King of Fighters XIII...
...fighter Yuri Sakazaki gives players an upskirt buffet. She specializes in SNK's fictional fighting style, kyokugenryu karate, and typically wears a white gi and blue tights — though, her outfits has varied like it did for fighting game KOF: Maximum Impact.
Her outfit for the upcoming game is a gi, thigh-highs and purple underpants.
The King of Fighters XIII starts beating up Japanese arcades this summer.
【ら列】『ギアーズ オブ ウォー3』発売日決定&トレーラー公開・他 [オレ的ゲーム速報@刃]