Just this week, I bought a pair of Converse Chuck Taylors for the first time since… maybe middle school? I'd forgotten how much fun these shoes can be, even if they are a little bit hard to get on and off every day.
But while my rust-colored sneaks are cool, they're not as cool as these wicked custom Game of Thrones Chuck Taylors, which Etsy user Tannim is selling for $115 a pair.
Those Lannister ones up top are a little bit loud for me, but I really dig the Stark and Arryn ones. Though man, I dunno if I could rep House Arryn on my shoes every day.
Check out some other highlights:
Would you consider throwing down for these? If so, which house? Does the nature of the house matter more to you than the color scheme? Those Targaryen shoes are pretty hot…
Talk shoes, Game of Thrones, or anything else, here or over in the Talk Amongst Yourselves forum.
Tannim's Shop [Etsy via Fashionably Geek]