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Xbox Live Screw-Up Soils Clothes Trading Surprise

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Dream Club is a bar girl simulator that allows players to patron a virtual watering hole and chat up chicks. But It's not only about that for fans, it's also about the outfits and dressing up their favorite characters.

A Xbox Live snafu has mucked up a long-awaited clothes trading surprise. See, it isn't possible to switch Dream Club outfits among characters. That is, until now. Those who purchased the Games On Demand version of the recently released Dream Club Zero were surprised to find that this new clothing trading function allows items of clothing to be swapped among characters. The game's developer was surprised, too.

The ability to swap clothes wasn't going to be made public, but a bug in the Xbox Live system pushed the update live early — to the dismay of the game's developer.


Microsoft apologized for the mistake and offered to "fix" the issue for players by removing the update. Of course, removing the patch would mean that players could no longer dress up various characters in the same outfit — something they would have to wait until next year.

マイクロソフトのミスで『ドリームクラブ』の「私服着まわしパッチ」が誤配信、せっかくのサプライズが台無しに・・・ [はちま起稿]