It's been well over a year since Microsoft let Xbox Live Arcade games stretch their legs to a 150 megabyte max, but it appears that the company is giving it even more room to grow. David Edery, portfolio planner for XBLA, tells that the official limit is now 350 MB, calling the change "steady progress."
Edery says the fattening up of XBLA titles is due to "listening to our partners, listening to our customers to try and get a feel for what's right" adding that "it's good for the ecosystem" to have some sort of limit to encourage pick up and play games. Hopefully, with that extra room, Namco Bandai can go back and add a bit more graphical oomph to Soul Calibur for XBLA, get the visuals back to my rose-tinted glasses memories of the Dreamcast version.
Xbox Live Arcade's David Edery [ - thanks, Andy!]