Like you, when I first laid eyes and opinion upon the new Xbox 360 Avatars, the first thought I had was "When will I be able to disembowel these superdeformed simulacra and prance about in their virtual guts in-game?" Sadly, the answer is "not anytime soon" as Xbox Live general manager Eric Kilgore revealed at the recent Gamefest that the Rare designed Mii-toos would only be appearing in E-rated titles. For now.
Kilgore, according to a Develop report, says that current Microsoft policy limits Avatar usage in titles of the E-10 or safer variety. "That doesn't mean it won't change – but this Fall they won't be able to blow each other's heads off," Kilgore said.
We're hoping that Microsoft shot-callers come to their senses and ensure that Avatars are given the chance to be gored and dismembered as soon as possible. And we're talking Soldier of Fortune-style limb destruction. I'm planning on beating the bejeezus out of my Crecente Avatar on a regular basis.
360 Avatars can only be used in non-violent titles [Develop]